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COVID-19 Support

Last update: 02/03/2022


All workplaces operating during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic need to ensure they are protecting their workforce and minimising the risk of spread of infection. This includes considering how personnel travel to and from site.

Latest government guidance for employers states that wherever possible employees should work from home. Where remote working is not possible you should;

  • Carry out a workplace COVID-19 risk assessment – see our resources below.
  • Remind colleagues daily to only come into work if they are well and do not have the following symptoms:
    • A high temperature
    • A new continuous cough
    • Anosmia (loss or change to the sense of smell or taste)
  • Advise workers to wash hands frequently, using soap and water, for 20 seconds; especially after blowing their nose, sneezing or coughing, upon arrival at work, before and after eating, after using public transport, and upon arrival at home.
    • Where facilities to wash hands are not available, hand sanitiser should be used.
  • Advise workers to keep 2 meters apart as much as possible.
    • Plan work to minimise contact between workers and avoid skin-to-skin and face-to-face contact.
    • Where face-to-face contact is essential, it should be kept to 15 minutes or less.
  • Keep small groups of workers working together in teams, as small and as much as possible.
    • For example, keep vehicle crews working together, rather than mixing crew members on different shifts.
  • Face coverings should be worn in internal locations where social distancing is difficult.

For more advice and support regarding workplace guidance, check the links below or contact us, by telephone: 0151 545 0497 or email: [email protected].

Please note: These documents are being updated regularly, as new guidance is released.  We advise you to bookmark this page and check back regularly for updates.

  1. COVID-19 Template Policy Rev1
  2. UPDATED 24/02/2022: Build UK ‘What to do if a worker has COVID-19 or has to self isolate
  3. UPDATED 02/03/2022: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Risk Assessment Rev20
  4. Y 2726 Home Working Rev2
  5. UPDATED 06/04/2022: Site-Operating-Procedures-Reference-Document
  6. Coronavirus: Construction & Sites Toolbox Talk Rev1
  7. UPDATED 06/04/2022: The-Use-of-Face-Coverings-in-Construction-during-Coronavirus-Reference-Document

More information can be found at: IOSH,, WHO

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