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Directors Role for Health and Safety

Posted on December 17, 2013

Increasingly more and more directors are taking a hands-on approach to the health and safety aspects of their business. According to the HSE (Health and Safety Executive), “Failure to include health and safety as a key business risk in board decisions can have catastrophic results. Many high-profile safety cases over the years have been rooted in failures of leadership.” We have now successfully run 2 Directors role for health and safety courses and feel the course is set to take off next year.

Our course has again been introduced at £125 plus VAT per person.  Dates scheduled for 2014: 13 Jan, 3 Feb, 6 Mar, 25 Apr, 6 May and 17 Jun.

If you would like to book on to our Directors role for health and safety course you can do so by clicking here.

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