Courtley Health & Safety Ltd
success is no accident Established For Over 30 Years
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Health and Safety

There are two main health and safety systems recognized as appropriate for almost every organization.

One is based on guidance published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Successful Health and Safety Management (HSG65). This is an ideal management system for most small to medium sized enterprises. It is quite lean and efficient.

iso_logoThe other management system is based on ISO 18000 which is more management intensive but is well designed for larger organizations.

With both systems, once a policy has been agreed and commitment is made by senior management; the existing organization can be set out with appropriate duties assigned to various post holders.

Arrangements are developed which clearly explain how the organization can deliver the aims of the policy. These need to be audited regularly to keep on track and the whole system is reviewed at regular intervals to ensure it remains appropriate for the business.

By working with many businesses we have developed systems to ‘key in’ to existing organizations and fill the gaps to develop a workable management system. Through co-operation we collaborate with our customers. This approach minimizes costs while encouraging the business to grow and become self sufficient.

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