CDM Co-ordinator Services
We have extensive experience in the construction industry and also in undertaking health and safety planning on a wide range of building projects. As such we are well placed to competently fulfil the role of the CDM Co-ordinator.
We will develop the Health and Safety Plan from a Design and Pre-tender stage to Contract Completion and ensure that all documentation is compliant with the CDM Regulations.
The CDM Regulations require that Health and Safety is considered as part of the Design Process on most Construction and Alteration works and that the Health and Safety Executive are notified of the intended work.
A CDM Co-ordinator should be appointed as soon as possible in order to develop a Pre-tender Health and Safety Plan that will become part of Tender Documentation.
The plan will describe any relevant Health and Safety issue to the project.
The successful Tenderer will then be required to develop the Health and Safety Plan and produce a completed Document at Contract Completion.
Courtley CDM Co-ordinator Services
Courtley (Health & Safety) Ltd will supervise and ensure this process is completed adequately. We provide high quality CDM Co-ordinator services with close personal attention, rapid response, innovative solutions to safety problems and very competitive fees.