Factory, Site and Office Inspections
Workplace and office inspections can happen in a number of different ways. And you will need to have established the best methods of work for your business for when inspections do take place. Inspections can either be; tours, general inspections of the workplace. Sampling, inspections of specific areas or activities. Surveys, general inspections of areas or activities. Incident inspections, inspections following an accident which has caused an injury or fatality, a near miss which could have caused an injury, or a case of ill health which has been reported to the health and safety authority.
When Will a Workplace Inspection Take Place
If an inspection of your workplace is to take place, then you must receive a reasonable amount of notice in writing that their is to be a formal inspection. You also must not have had an inspection take place within the last 3 months. The only exception to this is that if there has been a substantial change in either working conditions, or if the Health & Safety Executive has published new information on hazards. If this is the case then inspections can be carried out before the 3 month period has elapsed.
High risk environments are also inspected much more frequently than low risk ones. A standard office will be inspected less than a construction site. This is not only because of the risks involved, but the processes for an office will change a lot less often than a construction site where the environment is constantly changing.
After Workplace Inspections
Following audits and assessments, Courtley (Health & Safety) Ltd will review the findings with you to identify the steps that are needed to ensure your compliance with legislation. A program of periodic visits will assist implementation and help to monitor development and maintain of safety standards. Factory, Site and Office Inspections will be conducted in co-operation with your management and workforce, this approach affords enhanced safety awareness that will benefit the organisation as a whole.
We work with your management to identify potential safety implications arising from operational or legislative change. The services Courtley (Health & Safety) Ltd provide are designed to assist you in meeting your statutory obligations in a cost effective way.