Safety Management Audits
Our Safety Management Audits provide the assistance you need to undertake the management of the enormous financial, legal and moral responsibilities involved in running a business without loss.
Our experience shows that an initial safety management audit identifies, in a systematic and practical way, the areas that clients should be concerned about. It can also help to identify where any weakness may be present within an organisation from a health, safety and welfare point of view.
What is a Health & Safety Audit?
A health and safety audit is a objective evaluation of how a workplace conducts day to day activities. This audit has a focus on safe working practices rather than actual workplace efficiency. Health & Safety audits can be undertaken by internal staff, or can be outsourced to an external company.
Health and safety audits are not a legal requirement. However, they do demonstrate a commitment to good working practices. And, should an accident happen, it will be in your interests to be able to demonstrate that you were taking steps to limit the risks of one occurring.
What are the Objectives of Safety Audit?
The main objectives of a safety audit are to; evaluate the companies current day to day working practices for both high risk and low risk activities. And to, identify weaknesses in these processes or potentially find undetected workplace hazards. These are hazards which could put either employees or members of the public at risk.
To break it down to its most basic level. The objective of a safety audit is to identify weaknesses in the systems of work and inherit risks a business has, before any potential accidents take place.
What Should a Safety Audit Include?
There isn’t a one size fits all solution to what should be included in safety management audits. After all, every work place is different. This is where Courtley Health & Safety can assist you. We can assess the entirety of your organisation and identify all the necessary areas to audit, and improve across all areas of the business. Our Audits can focus on a single activity, a specific section of the workplace, or the overall business. The content of each audit will be different, but in general could include:
- Workplace responsibility for health & safety.
- Planning for the future.
- Risk assessments and control measures.
- Implementation of workplace procedures.
- Employee training and level of competence for responsibilities.
- Accident reporting.
- Reviewing health & safety performance.