Courtley Health & Safety Ltd
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Health and Safety Policy – How Changes in Legislation or Best Practice can Affect Yours

Posted on July 17, 2013

We all know the importance of efficiency right, and especially those who run businesses will understand the need for procedures and controls to be effective.

The core of almost every organisations’ Health and Safety Management system is a documented Health and Safety Policy. The policy must reflect the individual business and set out its commitment to safety, the organization and also provide arrangements to follow to ensure that the operations are carried out efficiently, whilst conforming to appropriate legislation.

Over time, the basis of the policy i.e. legislation, company structure, procedures and industry practices are developed; therefore it is essential for policies to be reviewed and updated regularly.

As your health and safety advisor’s, we have a responsibility to you, our Member, to ensure that your policy is up-to-date.  Hence, annual policy reviews – the following procedure MUST be completed each year to ensure you have a valid policy in place:

1. Lead safety advisor meets with your organisation representative to discuss any changes within the business;
2. We make any required changes to your policy and ensure that all updates and changes in legislation affecting you have been incorporated;
3. The document is emailed to your organisation representative as a draft document for review;
4. Once the format is agreed, a final review is conducted and the current updated policy is released to you for signing and publishing.

PLEASE NOTE: If we cannot contact your representative to discuss the policy review, we will update the document and email it over for their input.

If you make changes to your policy, please inform your lead advisor; this will make sure you’re not missing anything.  Many of the updates made by your adviser will be subtle and reflect changes in health and safety legislation and best practice.  It is also important to us, as your safety advisor, to have a copy of your latest policy to refer to.

We contact each Member near to their policy renewal date to arrange the policy review; the meeting is also an ideal opportunity to raise any issues during a face-to-face meeting with a safety advisor.

Courtley (Health & Safety) Ltd was established with the aim of providing competent, straight-talking advice at a fair price; by way of flexible support packages to suit businesses in need of a helping hand.  18 years and a hell of a lot of experience later, we are working with over 130 large and small organisations; helping them achieve their goals!

We know that success is no accident and will continue to spread the word as far and wide as possible, assisting any and all who need it.

If you have any questions about your Membership with us and what we do please contact us.

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