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HSE Increases Fee for Intervention (FFI)

Posted on May 7, 2019

HSE’s cost recovery rate for Fee for Intervention (FFI) has increased to £154 per hour with effect from 6th April 2019.

Businesses found to be in material breach of health and safety law will be charged at the new rate for intervention by HSE. As of 6 April 2019, businesses meeting their legal requirements will not pay anything for HSE’s regulatory activity.

HSE must set the FFI rate with the aim of recovering its full cost and in recent years it has operated at a deficit (i.e. cost more than recovered in income). A combination of this and cumulative inflationary pressures support the increased hourly rate.

If you require further information about FFI, please contact us on 0151 545 0497 or fill in our contact form.

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