Courtley Health & Safety Ltd
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Abrasive Wheels Safety Training

Course Fee: £57 + VAT (free to members)
Duration: 3 hours
Required Equipment: Abrasive wheel, appropriate tools and safety wear
Certification: Courtley Health & Safety Ltd certificate of attendance.

Overview: The aim of this training course is to provide an understanding of current legislation relating to the use of abrasive wheels, and to promote awareness of the hazards involved in working with them.

The training focuses on enabling operators to spot the dangers which arise from the use of these tools. Addressing the main causes of accidents, injuries and illnesses which occur from using abrasive wheels. With the ultimate aim of reducing the number of injuries and accidents caused through the use of cutting tools.

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Abrasive Wheels Safety training is a vital knowledge component for those who handle portable cutting tools such as angle grinders or disk cutters. The training will enable operators to spot the dangers which arise from the use of these tools. And how to prevent accidents, through correct storage and maintenance of disks and other essential items.

Safe Use of Abrasive Wheels Course Content:

The course content is designed to address the main causes of accidents, injuries and illnesses which occur as a result of using abrasive wheels. Injuries occur as a result of incorrect use (operator error), unsafe working practices, or though poor maintenance of equipment.

However, there are also longer term medical problems which are associated with continued use of cutting equipment. Such as dust inhalation, hand arm vibration injuries, and noise induced hearing problems.

Abrasive Wheels Safety Training will cover:

  • Your legal requirements;
  • Hazards and risks from abrasive wheels;
  • Abrasive wheels marking;
  • Storage, handling and transportation;
  • How to correctly inspect tools before and after use;
  • Functions;
  • Guarding;
  • Associated medical conditions which may occur through use;
  • How to safely operate the tools;
  • Your responsibilities when using the equipment.

What Does The Training Involve?

Legal Compliance

  • The Provision and use of Work Equipment 1998 (PUWER).


This course offers practical steps to enable candidates to work safely and to reduce workplace accidents. As well as encouraging candidates to adopt a culture that results in a safer and more efficient workplace.

How Much is the Course?

The Abrasive Wheels Safety training costs £57 + VAT. However if you are a Courtley member, the training is free.

Abrasive Wheels safety training

Safe Use of Abrasive Wheels Training Liverpool

The training normally takes place in our Liverpool training centre. If you would like to arrange Safe Use of Abrasive Wheels training in a different location please contact us.

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Courtley Health & Safety Ltd
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Mark Hynds

Easy listening, would recommend.

 by Simon Lees

tutor was great, provided extensive knowledge on the subject and topics covered. Made me feel more comfortable with the safety side

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